楊淑君正義如何平反?運動公平性如何保持?請網友提供意見 楊淑君正義如何平反?運動公平性如何保持?請網友提供意見 Any possible redress Yang and Taiwan (Chinese Taipei, CT)? How can it be? 【Comment】 It was crystal clear that T 情趣用品aiwan's Taekwondo athlete Yang Shu-chun did not "cheat" in Asian Games as the Secretary General of the Asia Taekwondo Union (ATU) Kyu Seok 買屋網 Lee and Chinese Taekwondo Association S/G Zhao Lei and others strongly accused in their press conference as well as the official statement "Shocking Act of Deception by C 關鍵字廣告hinese Taipei". The film showed everything. It was definately Kyu Seok Lee and Zhao's "intentional mistake" because they has not allowed from the player, the coach and CT te 小型辦公室am voiced out. It was a unilateral judgment by few members of ATU. S/G Kyu Seok Lee still insisted the wrong judgement. They are going to ban ALL future qualification of CT if CT did not apologize. CT w 室內裝潢ould then be expelled from Taekwondo games of the world. OK, can the government do anything for Yang, for the coach, for CT team; and for Taiwan? What object we should seek, if could? Job or money remedy for Yang ca 節能燈具nnot redress a bit of Taiwan's dignity, including Yang's...! What idea you have? Please note that Taiwan has no legal status as a state; and we are constrained by this bitter fact in many ways. 情形很明顯了:1117楊淑君事件是違反 裝潢事實的抹黑與栽贓。 而造成這事件的關鍵人物有三人: 韓籍亞跆聯盟秘書長梁振錫 中國籍亞洲跆拳道聯盟副秘書長、中國跆拳道協會秘書長、中國國家體育總局跆拳道運動管理中心副主任趙磊 韓裔技術組洪性天 問題是:就像偷竊品被銷贓了,受害者(楊淑君個人、教練,以及「中華台北」三方 買屋網層次)的正義如何平反?這是更複雜的問題 所以,我們要政府提出對外該爭取的標的,不是對內的補償而已! 請網友提供意見! 亞跆盟相關人士辭職?楊淑君呢?已經比完的比賽呢?亞跆盟已經強硬說中華台北不道歉以後就禁賽。我們要道歉嗎?事情不釐清,要道歉什麼?以後繼續發生怎辦?再道歉嗎? 酒店工作請注意:台灣的政府沒有國際地位~,我們都被這制約了而動彈不得 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-11775465 http://edition.cnn.com/2010/SPORT/11/17/asian.games.china.taiwan/index.html .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 信用卡代償  .

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